Post as a comment under this post your 400 word summaries of your position paper. If you need to break it up into two comments one right after the other, feel free.
This paper will investigate the context of “helping the poor” What does help mean? What does “poor” mean? What does “helping the poor” mean to the world? What does “helping the poor” mean from the old and new testament narratives? How does “helping the poor” correlate to current “prosperity theology”?
Biblical passages Old Testament • "During the seventh year, let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what they leave. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove." Exodus 23:11 • "At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year's produce and store it in your towns, so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the aliens, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied." Deuteronomy 14:28-29 • "However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you." Deuteronomy 15:4 •
• Biblical passages Old Testament
• "Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" Matthew 19:21 • * "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed." Luke 4:18 • "But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind." Luke 14:13 • "When Jesus heard this, he said to him, You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" Luke 18:22 Comment on positions from the Biblical (God, Jesus, Moses, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul)
At this point, “I fall off the log” and present my position
According to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, capital punishment is defined as the “execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense.” The first execution that occurred on American turf occurred in 1608, and since this execution, questions have been flying about its morality (Kukathas, 2008, p. 11). To this day, capital punishment is a very “hot” topic that people do not really want to touch. This paper will explore a bit of history in regards to the death penalty, will provide views from both sides of the fence, will provide Biblical support from both sides of the fence, and will seek to answer the question “should Christians support the death penalty?”
Pro Death Penalty Statements: For this section, I have gathered numerous statements by various authors about their pro-capital punishment opinions. I will present the statements and then summarize them at the end of this section. A few of these statements include: -“Death penalty supporters claimed that not only is the state justified in permanently removing a murderer from society, it is obliged to do so to protect its law-abiding citizens from harm” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 12). -In the three decades following 1972, “forty states and the federal government have re-enacted death penalty statutes and sentenced more than 6,000 convicted murderers to death; two dozen of these jurisdictions have carried out more than 700 death sentences” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 32).
Statements Against the Death Penalty: As in the previous section, this section will contain statements and opinions about the death penalty. After listing the statements, I will again provide a summary of their content. A few of these statements include: -“Dr. Benjamin Rush, the ‘father of American psychiatry,’…claimed [in the 1790s] that not only is capital punishment not a deterrent but that is has a ‘brutalization effect,’ feeding society’s appetite for violence and revenge and thus creating more criminal activity” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 12). -“The Supreme Court has ruled against every form of mandatory death penalty it has reviewed, prosecutors would be unable to do their job if they abandoned plea bargaining, and trial courts bring in a death sentence in only a fraction of the cases where in theory it would be appropriate” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 30).
What does the Bible say about capital punishment? In this section, I will list verses in the Bible that are often used in society to argue for or against capital punishment. At the end of this section, I will again provide a summary of the verses. A few of these verses are: -John chapter eight tells the story of a woman caught in adultery. According to the Law, this adulteress woman should be stoned, but Jesus said, “if anyone is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” -Romans 12:19 states, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘it is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” -Exodus 21:16 “Anyone who kidnaps another and either sells him or still has him when he is caught must be put to death.” -Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”
Conclusion In this section, I will tie the sections together and present my position on capital punishment.
Divorce In The Eyes Of God In this day and time that we currently live in, marriages are on the decline. In fact, statistics say that one in every 2 marriages will end in divorce. The divorce rate in modern society is at an all time high. This trend of divorce seems to be prevalent in all walks of society. Christians are not exempt to it at all. Recent news has shown us that even the most well known pastors and evangelists have suffered the dilemma of divorce. Charles Stanley, Paula White, Juanita Bynum and even others who are leaders of the faith have gone through divorce. So if the leaders of our faith have “chosen” to divorce, then what does that say about God’s view of the subject? Thesis Many will argue that the bible does allow for divorce. While others will argue that the bible specifically speaks against divorce. The following will take the latter position and show how the bible is against divorce. From examining many scriptural references and biblical interpretations, I will prove the position that God is against divorce. Arguments For Divorce The position that God is understanding of divorce comes from some Old Testament scriptures. One in particular is found in Deuteronomy 24: 1-4. The paraphrased translation of that scripture is that a husband can seek a divorce if he finds any faults in his wife. If he gives her a written certificate of divorce, then she can seek another husband. This scripture seems to be the foundations that those who believe in divorce stand on to back their position. The problem with using this scripture is the historical context in which it was written. During this time in history, Moses granted the people the option of divorce to save the people from committing heinous acts. Research shows that at that time, men would do unthinkable things including murder to rid themselves of wives they no longer wanted. Arguments Against Divorce In Matthew 19: 4-9, Jesus begins to shed new light on the meaning of the scripture in Deuteronomy. He tells that from the beginning God created marriage and did not intend for the two to divorce. However, in verse 8, He makes it clear that Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of the people’s hearts. However, Jesus makes a specific claim that God never intended it to be that way. Conclusion The statement by Jesus that God never intended for divorce is the strongest claim against the whole theory of divorce. Now others will argue that some circumstances warrant a divorce. Abuse, abandonment and adultery are some claims people will use. However, once again Jesus covers those claims in the Matthew 19 statement. He specifically said that other than sexual immorality (adultery) divorce is not an option. Although the times have changed, the circumstances for allowing a divorce have not. God is against divorce today, yesterday and tomorrow.
Should Homosexual be a part of Church leadership? If so what action has the leadership taken.
This question has plague the church world for quite some time. i believe in some distant future the Holy Spirit will open up the scripture for interpretation on this matter. Even though Christ says nothing about same-sex behavior and the Biblical Authors knew nothing of Homosexual Orientation as we understand it meaning,Therefore no one in the canon neither condemns or approve it because the word Homosexual wasn't even known until the 19th Century. However as Scholar we must examine the scriptures very carefully by using the Labyrinth Methods available to us.Such methods as Author centered, Text centered, and Reader Centered to correctly evaluated and intellectually comment of 21st century matters. The question that haunts our Leadership is one that will be around for a very long time, and we will need heavens intervention to fully understand why it had to surface now and not in the 1st century in Jesus teachings.
In this paper we have discussed the tithe. We have illustrated how the tithe was initially used under the Mosaic Law and how it may not pertain to Christians today. We have also discussed how the tithe is being used in the Prosperity Gospel for Preachers to get their parishioners to give their money more abundantly. In their so doing, they will receive financial success from the Lord in an abundant manner as well. Finally, we discussed how many parishioners are hesitant to give their tithe because they believe they are supporting the wealthy habits of the Preacher. The research information regarding the tithe was quite interesting to say the least. It made me begin to question why we are still tithing today. Never mind the discussion as to our tithing from the gross portion of our check or from the net portion. This question didn’t seem to matter anymore. The more important question seem to be if we should be tithing all together? I have concluded that we should continue tithing the tenth of our increase. Also, we should give our tithe in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving. Jesus affirmed that those who serve God should continue to give this tithe, a tenth of their increase, since it belongs to God and not to them (Matthew 23:23). He confirmed that tithing continues. But now, God, through Jesus Christ, is making a "new" and "better" covenant with His people (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 8:6-13), no longer limited to the physical nation of Israel (What Does the Bible Teach about Tithing, 1999). Therefore, as we continue to give our tithe, we have to have faith and confidence that it is being used in an ethical manner. What should give us the most joy is the fact in knowing that we are being obedient to God’s Word and that we will be blessed by the Lord because of it.
This position paper will address the perspectives of denominational beliefs concerning women in ministry and leadership. Many churches and denominations have viewpoints that vary from very lenient views to very extreme views limiting women in ministry. Most of these views have to do with the teachings of Paul in I Corinthians 14:34 concerning women keeping silent as well as those which address appropriate dress for women.
This paper will address some of the viewpoints of various denominational beliefs comparing those beliefs with scripture for "reproof, correction, and instruction" both for and against women in ministry.
Initially, this paper was to address strictly the aspect of women in ministry, however, as the research and supporting scriptures for both perspectives began to unfold, it became evident that leadership needed to be addressed as well. With when in Biblical history such as Deborah, Esther, Miriam, and Priscilla, women in leadership positions who perform ministry is an area of women in ministry that cannot be avoided. In light of this "ah ha" moment, it was decided that the definition of ministry needed to be defined since most people envision "Women Preachers" when the words "Women in Ministry" are spoken.
Thus, the concept of "Women in Ministry" indeed takes on a whole new twist in which the research shines new light upon.
Helping the Poor
This paper will investigate the context of “helping the poor” What does help mean? What does “poor” mean? What does “helping the poor” mean to the world? What does “helping the poor” mean from the old and new testament narratives? How does “helping the poor” correlate to current “prosperity theology”?
Biblical passages Old Testament
• "During the seventh year, let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what they leave. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove." Exodus 23:11
• "At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year's produce and store it in your towns, so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the aliens, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied." Deuteronomy 14:28-29
• "However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you." Deuteronomy 15:4
• Biblical passages Old Testament
• "Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" Matthew 19:21
• * "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed." Luke 4:18
• "But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind." Luke 14:13
• "When Jesus heard this, he said to him, You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" Luke 18:22
Comment on positions from the Biblical (God, Jesus, Moses, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul)
At this point, “I fall off the log” and present my position
Position Paper Summary: Capital Punishment
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, capital punishment is defined as the “execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense.” The first execution that occurred on American turf occurred in 1608, and since this execution, questions have been flying about its morality (Kukathas, 2008, p. 11). To this day, capital punishment is a very “hot” topic that people do not really want to touch. This paper will explore a bit of history in regards to the death penalty, will provide views from both sides of the fence, will provide Biblical support from both sides of the fence, and will seek to answer the question “should Christians support the death penalty?”
Pro Death Penalty Statements:
For this section, I have gathered numerous statements by various authors about their pro-capital punishment opinions. I will present the statements and then summarize them at the end of this section. A few of these statements include:
-“Death penalty supporters claimed that not only is the state justified in permanently removing a murderer from society, it is obliged to do so to protect its law-abiding citizens from harm” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 12).
-In the three decades following 1972, “forty states and the federal government have re-enacted death penalty statutes and sentenced more than 6,000 convicted murderers to death; two dozen of these jurisdictions have carried out more than 700 death sentences” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 32).
Statements Against the Death Penalty:
As in the previous section, this section will contain statements and opinions about the death penalty. After listing the statements, I will again provide a summary of their content. A few of these statements include:
-“Dr. Benjamin Rush, the ‘father of American psychiatry,’…claimed [in the 1790s] that not only is capital punishment not a deterrent but that is has a ‘brutalization effect,’ feeding society’s appetite for violence and revenge and thus creating more criminal activity” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 12).
-“The Supreme Court has ruled against every form of mandatory death penalty it has reviewed, prosecutors would be unable to do their job if they abandoned plea bargaining, and trial courts bring in a death sentence in only a fraction of the cases where in theory it would be appropriate” (Kukathas, 2008, p. 30).
What does the Bible say about capital punishment?
In this section, I will list verses in the Bible that are often used in society to argue for or against capital punishment. At the end of this section, I will again provide a summary of the verses. A few of these verses are:
-John chapter eight tells the story of a woman caught in adultery. According to the Law, this adulteress woman should be stoned, but Jesus said, “if anyone is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
-Romans 12:19 states, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘it is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
-Exodus 21:16 “Anyone who kidnaps another and either sells him or still has him when he is caught must be put to death.”
-Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”
In this section, I will tie the sections together and present my position on capital punishment.
Divorce In The Eyes Of God
ReplyDeleteIn this day and time that we currently live in, marriages are on the decline. In fact, statistics say that one in every 2 marriages will end in divorce. The divorce rate in modern society is at an all time high. This trend of divorce seems to be prevalent in all walks of society. Christians are not exempt to it at all.
Recent news has shown us that even the most well known pastors and evangelists have suffered the dilemma of divorce. Charles Stanley, Paula White, Juanita Bynum and even others who are leaders of the faith have gone through divorce. So if the leaders of our faith have “chosen” to divorce, then what does that say about God’s view of the subject?
Many will argue that the bible does allow for divorce. While others will argue that the bible specifically speaks against divorce. The following will take the latter position and show how the bible is against divorce. From examining many scriptural references and biblical interpretations, I will prove the position that God is against divorce.
Arguments For Divorce
The position that God is understanding of divorce comes from some Old Testament scriptures. One in particular is found in Deuteronomy 24: 1-4. The paraphrased translation of that scripture is that a husband can seek a divorce if he finds any faults in his wife. If he gives her a written certificate of divorce, then she can seek another husband. This scripture seems to be the foundations that those who believe in divorce stand on to back their position.
The problem with using this scripture is the historical context in which it was written. During this time in history, Moses granted the people the option of divorce to save the people from committing heinous acts. Research shows that at that time, men would do unthinkable things including murder to rid themselves of wives they no longer wanted.
Arguments Against Divorce
In Matthew 19: 4-9, Jesus begins to shed new light on the meaning of the scripture in Deuteronomy. He tells that from the beginning God created marriage and did not intend for the two to divorce. However, in verse 8, He makes it clear that Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of the people’s hearts. However, Jesus makes a specific claim that God never intended it to be that way.
The statement by Jesus that God never intended for divorce is the strongest claim against the whole theory of divorce. Now others will argue that some circumstances warrant a divorce. Abuse, abandonment and adultery are some claims people will use. However, once again Jesus covers those claims in the Matthew 19 statement. He specifically said that other than sexual immorality (adultery) divorce is not an option. Although the times have changed, the circumstances for allowing a divorce have not. God is against divorce today, yesterday and tomorrow.
Should Homosexual be a part of Church leadership? If so what action has the leadership taken.
ReplyDeleteThis question has plague the church world for quite some time. i believe in some distant future the Holy Spirit will open up the scripture for interpretation on this matter. Even though Christ says nothing about same-sex behavior and the Biblical Authors knew nothing of Homosexual Orientation as we understand it meaning,Therefore no one in the canon neither condemns or approve it because the word Homosexual wasn't even known until the 19th Century. However as Scholar we must examine the scriptures very carefully by using the Labyrinth Methods available to us.Such methods as Author centered, Text centered, and Reader Centered to correctly evaluated and intellectually comment of 21st century matters. The question that haunts our Leadership is one that will be around for a very long time, and we will need heavens intervention to fully understand why it had to surface now and not in the 1st century in Jesus teachings.
In this paper we have discussed the tithe. We have illustrated how the tithe was initially used under the Mosaic Law and how it may not pertain to Christians today. We have also discussed how the tithe is being used in the Prosperity Gospel for Preachers to get their parishioners to give their money more abundantly. In their so doing, they will receive financial success from the Lord in an abundant manner as well. Finally, we discussed how many parishioners are hesitant to give their tithe because they believe they are supporting the wealthy habits of the Preacher. The research information regarding the tithe was quite interesting to say the least. It made me begin to question why we are still tithing today. Never mind the discussion as to our tithing from the gross portion of our check or from the net portion. This question didn’t seem to matter anymore. The more important question seem to be if we should be tithing all together? I have concluded that we should continue tithing the tenth of our increase. Also, we should give our tithe in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteJesus affirmed that those who serve God should continue to give this tithe, a tenth of their increase, since it belongs to God and not to them (Matthew 23:23). He confirmed that tithing continues. But now, God, through Jesus Christ, is making a "new" and "better" covenant with His people (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 8:6-13), no longer limited to the physical nation of Israel (What Does the Bible Teach about Tithing, 1999). Therefore, as we continue to give our tithe, we have to have faith and confidence that it is being used in an ethical manner. What should give us the most joy is the fact in knowing that we are being obedient to God’s Word and that we will be blessed by the Lord because of it.
This position paper will address the perspectives of denominational beliefs concerning women in ministry and leadership. Many churches and denominations have viewpoints that vary from very lenient views to very extreme views limiting women in ministry. Most of these views have to do with the teachings of Paul in I Corinthians 14:34 concerning women keeping silent as well as those which address appropriate dress for women.
ReplyDeleteThis paper will address some of the viewpoints of various denominational beliefs comparing those beliefs with scripture for "reproof, correction, and instruction" both for and against women in ministry.
Initially, this paper was to address strictly the aspect of women in ministry, however, as the research and supporting scriptures for both perspectives began to unfold, it became evident that leadership needed to be addressed as well. With when in Biblical history such as Deborah, Esther, Miriam, and Priscilla, women in leadership positions who perform ministry is an area of women in ministry that cannot be avoided. In light of this "ah ha" moment, it was decided that the definition of ministry needed to be defined since most people envision "Women Preachers" when the words "Women in Ministry" are spoken.
Thus, the concept of "Women in Ministry" indeed takes on a whole new twist in which the research shines new light upon.
Cherry Smith